In the fast paced world we live in, phone calls are becoming more and more obsolete. Texting is the new preferred way of communication of the consumer generation. Most customers rarely have time to answer their phones, even their cell phones. Voice mails will go unchecked for days, and even emails can often be missed if they are not dynamic and eye catching. There is a method of reaching your customers that is just about guaranteed to get their attention. Most people will wreck their vehicle to check a text message. What is it about that specific "ding" of a cell phone that compels them to drop everything they are doing and read that text message. If you want your message to get through, send it in a way that encourages the customer to read it. SMS Text messaging is the way to go!
SMS Statistics
  • More than 8 trillion SMS messages were sent in 2011
  • A2P* messages will overtake P2P* messages by 2016
  • A2P messaging will be a 70 billion dollar business by 2016
* A2P - Application to Person
* P2P - Person to Person

SMS Coupons

Use this system to send out SMS coupons for discounts in your store. Create a loyal customer club and sent SMS coupons to those customers through out the year.

SMS Notifications

Get the word out about new products and services your company has to offer. You may also choose to send a SMS notification when a custom ordered product comes in for your customer.

Restaurant Notifications

Do you currently use a guest paging system at your restaurant for seating? Instead, you could use SMS Notifications. Simply get the customer's name and cell phone number and then send them a quick SMS when their table is ready. All the while, you are building a SMS messaging database.

System Pricing

The system pricing is very simple and very straight forward. You pay a low monthly fee, and then you purchase blocks of SMS Messages.

For example, if your company has 50 users in your system and you plan on sending 4 coupons a month, then you will need roughly 200 text messages. Your total price will be $19.99 + 15 = $34.99

Roll Over These are your messages, you use them at your own pace. There is no time limit on messages. You can purchase a large package now, and reload your account when it gets low. You simply pay the monthly charge for the system and use your messages as you need them.

Monthly Fee:$19.99
200 SMS$15.00
500 SMS$35.00
1000 SMS$65.00
1500 SMS$90.00